'Tis the season.... Looking for affordable bridesmaid dresses? Try shopping for them during the holiday season - but not in expensive bridal salons. Department stores such Sears, for example, generally carry an excellent selection of glamourous cocktail and evening dresses as the season for parties approaches - but at much lower prices than what you'd pay for similar "bridesmaid dresses" in a bridal boutique. With just a quick look though a local department store before firing off this tip, I was able to find an array of gorgeous styles priced at a mere $49! An entire world of fabulous finds can definately be found for well under $100. So when the season of good cheer rolls around, it's time to grab your girls and hit the mall! If rock bottom prices are what you have in mind, here's an even better suggestion: Scour the stores towards the end of the holiday season when prices are being heavily marked down, and cash in on the clearance sales for even greater savings!

Number those reply cards! Many a bride has a huge headache on her hands when, as sometimes happens, the occasional reply card is sent back with no names filled in. Clearly an oversight on the part of the guest who sent it, but how do you figure out who on earth it came from? Here's a little trick which will ensure that you avoid this problem all together - place a small, inconspicuous number on the back of each reply card before enclosing it with the invitation. Use a list to record each guest's name along with the number on the reply card you are enclosing for them. That way, if someone should forget to fill in their name, a quick glance at your list will tell you precisely who the reply belongs to.

Making your own invitations? Save money by using reply postcards instead of the usual reply cards with envelopes. Postage rates for postcards are about 13 cents less than the rate for stamping envelopes (Remember, you must pre-stamp the reply cards for your guests!) Plus, by using postcards you'll also save the expense of envelopes. Simply print the response information on one side of the card, and your address on the other side.

Make sure your florist includes at least a little bit of ivy in your bouquet. This lush green climbing vine symbolizes fidelity and is traditionally used in bridal bouquets for that special symbolism.
Be sure to "break in" the shoes you will be wearing on your wedding day in advance. If your new shoes aren't stretched a little before the big day, your feet may be killing you before you even make it to the reception. This has been an unpleasant distraction for many a bride on her wedding day, don't let it put a damper on yours! Spend several hours wearing your bridal shoes around the house in the weeks before the wedding and you'll have no problem kicking up your heels long into the wee hours when the big day arrives.

Be sure to have pictures taken of your reception site before your guests arrive, while everything is still in place and looking fabulous! Later, you'll love looking back on these pictures which will so perfectly capture the way in which everything you envisioned for your wedding was transformed into reality.
This piece of expert advice comes to us from Ann, a wedding consultant with over 30 years of experience - and the owner of the bridal consulting firm of Bergin-Bryant, Inc. in the New England area. Check out the insider information she provides about booking a limousine for your big day...

"I have a few questions I always ask limo services before booking them for my clients:
1. Are the drivers properly attired in livery and cap....or are they inappropriately attired in tuxedos? To be technically correct according to traditional etiquette, drivers should wear livery and cap, but many companies send them out in tuxes instead.
2. Aside from the usual vanity license plate, is there any advertising on the limo...such as in the rear window? If so, is it a cling that they can pull off?
3. What brand of champagne do they serve...usually its pretty cheap.....so ask!"
The Games Photographers Play...
Everyone knows that before booking a photographer one should visit his or her studio to view their work. What you may not know is that the photos you are viewing may not be the work of the photographer you are considering hiring! Some photographers purchase beautiful wedding photos from photography industry suppliers and wholesalers, which they then hang in their own studios. This understandably leads the prospective clients inevitably to believe that they are viewing the work of the photographer in question. This practice is far more common than you might imagine, and although it may be misleading, in most jurisdictions there is nothing illegal about it as long as the photographer doesn't explicitly and specifically tell you he took the particular photo(s). So what can you do? How will you know? ASK! That's right, ask the photographer specifically if all of the photos on display were taken by him or her. Unless you are dealing with someone really unscrupulous, most will tell you the truth if asked this question directly - although there are never any guarantees. So buyer beware! As always, exercise caution and ask a lot of questions. When booking a photographer, you should always insist on references from previous clients, and check those references! You should also ask for the names and telephone numbers of the couples in the photos you are being shown, and do a very careful reference check to ensure that they are legit!
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